Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Blessings

Easter has become something different for our family then what I used to remember it being as a child. And I mean that in a, that's not a bad thing, kind of way. I'm blessed to be able to pass on some of my own childhood traditions to my own little girl now.

Our family, Easter Sunday, circa early 1990's

We would always go to church with the family, head back to our Grandparents house where magically the Easter Bunny had always seemed to have had hid the eggs just in time for us to run off all that energy we had stored up sitting in church. Easter lunch was always big and family time was important.

Now as a mother myself - we still hold some of those traditions, but this year Easter was celebrated at our own home.
Happy Easter 2012

Church Egg Hunt
Dress handmade by:

This year my mom helped me to make the Easter spread, buffet style
Instead of a giant Easter ham, we settled for "fancy" ham sandwiches
The traditional deviled eggs are of course, a must

And I'll leave you with the funniest part of the entire day...
Gramma and Granddaughter take an Easter tumble - right in front of the cameras :)