Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer Reading

We are so exited about this FREE summer "distraction" - the Summer Reading Program at our local library. My daughter is just old enough to join in! We love to read books together and the bed time story is a MUST in our house. Not to mention she begs to go to the library (we've deemed Tuesday as our "library day").

We have a goal to read 15 minutes each day to reach our goal of 700 minutes in 10 weeks. We log our books/authors and amount of time we read each day and report back to the library each week to track our progress. They are also having special speakers and story time. At the end of the 10 weeks they are passing out awards and prizes at the PTO Open House. That in itself will be a lot of fun since my daughter will be just starting pre-school this fall and she will hopefully get to socialize with her little class mates and teachers who participate.

Look into your local library to see if they are having summer activities for your kids!